Webuyanycar vs Arnold Clark: which is the best place to sell my car?
Our Webuyanycar vs Arnold Clark comparison analyses which company comes out on top on price, fees and service.

Want to know which one out of Webuyanycar and Arnold Clark is the best place to sell your car?
Sell My Car Guide has conducted some research* to give you a better idea.
We started out by comparing the two companies on price, which you can see in the table below.
Sell my car comparison: Webuyanycar vs Arnold Clark
Land Rover | Tesla Model 3 | Ford Fiesta | Ford Focus | Mini | Nissan Qashqai | VW Golf | Mercedes A-Class | AVERAGE | |
Arnold Clark | £21,392 | £39,635 | £3,921 | £5,625 | £14,844 | £14,433 | £11,739 | £7,630 | £14,902 |
Webuyanycar | £21,232 | £38,196 | £4,103 | £5,899 | £14,734 | £14,039 | £11,883 | £8,480 | £14,821 |
We obtained five quotes each for eight different types of motor.
Arnold Clark and Webuyanycar were evenly matched here, with each offering a higher valuation on four models.
But if you look at the final column, which looks at the average price for all the cars combined, Arnold Clark offered £81 more overall.
So Arnold Clark quotes a slightly higher price based on our small survey.
But what about fees?
Webuyanycar vs Arnold Clark: who charges the most fees?
If you are looking to sell to either Webuyanycar or Arnold Clark, you’ll no doubt find quite a big difference in terms of fees.
That’s because Arnold Clark is completely fee-free, while Webuyanycar could hit you with a transaction charge of up to £124.99, depending on the value of your car, plus an additional £29.75 if you want to be paid on the same day you sell (there’s a fee-free option if you’re willing to wait four days for payment).
You can read more about what fees Webuyanycar will charge in our detailed review.
Given that you could end up paying almost £130 in charges at Webuyanycar, Arnold Clark is the clear winner here.
Webuyanycar vs Arnold Clark comparison: customer service
The final thing to consider when comparing Webuyanycar and Arnold Clark is the quality of service you can expect to receive.
Let’s be honest: there will always be an element of luck about this as you might just come across someone having a bad day, or someone who simply isn’t very good at their job.
But it’s still it’s useful to know to see how people who’ve used them before would rate their service.
So we’ve taken a look at how these companies fare on Trustpilot.
Webuyanycar have a slightly better rating of 4.7 while Arnold Clark have a Trustpilot rating of 4.6.
That puts Webuyanycar marginally ahead, but it’s good to know that both those ratings qualify as ‘excellent’, so you should feel confident of getting a decent level of service whichever you choose.
Getting the best price: why you MUST shop around
Man using his phone and laptop (Image: Priscilla Du Preez – Unsplash)
So that concludes our Webuyanycar vs Arnold Clark comparison.
Given that Arnold Clark offered slightly higher prices in our research and charges no fees, you might think we’d recommend them as the best place to sell your car.
Not necessarily.
In fact, you may find neither is the place that’ll get you the best price on your car.
Here at Sell My Car Guide, we’ve conducted a load of comparisons between different car-buying sites.
And the one thing that always stands out is that no single site is the best across the board.
Each company has its own method for calculating how much they’ll pay for a specific car based on its business model.
For example, they might currently be seeing high demand for a certain type of car, or even age of car, among the dealers they sell motors on to and thus are willing to offer a higher price than their rivals might.
As a result, you’ve no way of knowing which car-buying site will give you the best price.
This is why our mantra is that you must always get quotes from a bunch of car-buying sites (we’d recommend setting up a new email address for this or you’re going to end up with a lot of emails in your inbox) before making any decision.
We’ve listed the eight main sites below, all of which will give you a valuation in a couple of minutes.
Be sure to have your reg number and your car’s mileage to hand as these will be needed to get a quote.
Alternative car-buying sites to consider
Motorway – read our review or go and get a quote
Cazoo – read our review or get a quote
Wewantanycar – read our review or get a quote
Money4yourmotor – read our review or get a quote
Evans Halshaw – read our review or get a quote
Carwow – read our review or get a quote
Webuyanycar – read our review or get a quote
Arnold Clark – read our review or get a quote
You don’t necessarily have to get a quote from all of them (although the more you do, the more likely you’ll end up getting the best price), but even taking the time to get two or three quotes could land you a few hundred quid extra in your pocket.
If you find that one or more sites offer far less, you can easily discount them without wasting more of your time.
Similarly, you might find one car-buying site is offering substantially more, making them the obvious choice to proceed with.
Worst case scenario, you might need to proceed with two or three sites that have offered similar quotes before choosing the one that offers the best final price.
It might be a bit more hassle, but it’s better than risking being ripped off when selling one of your most valuable assets.
*Methodology: we requested an online quote for 39 different cars across 8 different car makes. This works out to five car quotes per car with the exception of the Mercedes A Class, for which we only got four quotes.