Cazoo vs Webuyanycar: which is best on price, fees & more
We compared Webuyanycar and Cazoo to see who offered the highest price on a range of cars.

Cazoo vs Webuyanycar: which one is best?
There are many car-buying sites out there all offering slightly different services, so we wanted to compare these two as they are among the most popular on the market.
We started out by seeing how they compared on price, so we requested quotes for dozens of cars to see who offered the highest values.
The table in the next section shows how the two compare, but before we get into that, we wanted to highlight a slight difference between the way Cazoo’s quote system works compared to Webuyanycar.
With the latter, you just need to enter your car’s mileage and registration number to get an instant online quote.
However, Cazoo requires you to explain a bit more about your car before they’ll give you a valuation.
While we have tried to match this information as closely as possible to the most common seller scenario, it’s fair to say the comparison isn’t exactly like-for-like.
Sell my car comparison: Cazoo vs Webuyanycar
Land Rover | Tesla Model 3 | Ford Fiesta | Ford Focus | Mini | Nissan Qashqai | VW Golf | Mercedes A Class | AVERAGE | |
Cazoo | £22,455 | £39,988 | £4,433 | £6,231 | £14,742 | £15,409 | £11,885 | £7,644 | £15,348 |
Webuyanycar | £21,232 | £38,196 | £4,103 | £5,899 | £14,734 | £14,039 | £11,883 | £8,480 | £14,821 |
Sell My Car Guide analysis: Cazoo beats Webuyanycar on price
Our Cazoo vs Webuyanycar price comparison puts Cazoo comfortably ahead.
Of the 40-odd cars we valued across eight different makes of popular cars, we found that Cazoo offered £15,348 on average while Webuyanycar offered £14,821.
That’s a difference of more than £500.
When you add the fact that you’re more likely to be hit with fees when selling to Webuyanycar (more on that later on), you might think Cazoo is always the better option when selling your car.
Not so.
Get the highest price for your car: why you MUST shop around
Man Googling something on his laptop (Image: – Unsplash)
The biggest reason we say that is because no car-buying site is the cheapest for every car.
Every site has its own way of working out how much they are willing to pay for a certain car based on its business model.
For example, they might currently be seeing high demand for a certain type of car, or even age of car, among the dealers they sell cars on to and thus are willing to offer a higher price than their rivals might.
Here at Sell My Car Guide, we’ve conducted a load of comparisons between different car-buying sites.
And the one thing that stood out to us is that there are very few examples where one car-buying site is cheaper across the board.
Take another look at the table above.
Despite Webuyanycar paying £500 less overall, it offered almost £850 more on average for the Mercedes A-Class cars we compared.
And even within each car comparison, it was rare that one provider is cheaper for every car.
That’s why it’s so important that you take the time to get quotes from multiple car-buying sites.
If you do this, it’s a good idea up a new email address first and use this for quotes or you’re going get loads of mails (and follow-up mails) spamming up your inbox.
There are a number of sites out there where you can get a quote in a couple of minutes or less.
We’ve listed the main ones below.
You don’t have to get one from all of them, but it really is in your interest to at least visit a few.
The first link is to our independent review of each company to help you understand what to watch out for.
The second is a link to their sight if you want to jump right in and get a quote.
Read our Webuyanycar review or get a quote
Read our Wewantanycar review or get a quote
Read our Motorway review or get a quote
Read our Evans Halshaw review or get a quote
Read our Money4yourmotors review or get a quote
Read our Carwow review or get a quote
Read our Arnold Clark review or get a quote
Read our Cazoo review here or get a quote now
Cazoo vs Webuyanycar: who charges the most fees?
If you are looking to sell to either Cazoo or Webuyanycar and you’ve found the price you’ve been offered is fairly similar, it’s worth factoring in the impact of fees.
That’s because Webuyanycar will hit you with a transaction fee of between £50 and £125 depending on the value of your car, plus an extra £29.75 if you want same-day payment for your old car (read more about its fees in our Webuyanycar review).
That means you could be out more than £150 by selling through Webuyanycar.
By contrast, Cazoo is fee-free, so is the clear winner here.
Cazoo vs Webuyanycar: who will collect my car?
Webuyanycar doesn’t offer any kind of collection service, so if you want to sell to them you’ll need to make your way to one of their branches (find your nearest one here) and organise a lift home after it’s sold.
Cazoo now offers a free collection (it used to charge £149 before it changed its business model to become solely a car marketplace).
This guide will give you a full breakdown of which car-buying sites offer free home collection.
So if you’ve had a competitive offer from either of those and really don’t fancy the hassle of driving to a drop-off point (plus the potential cost of a taxi or train to get home again), then you might want to consider one of these instead.
*Methodology: we requested an online quote for 39 different cars across 8 different car makes. This works out to five car quotes per car with the exception of the Mercedes A Class, for which we only got four quotes.
Also, Cazoo’s quote system requires additional information beyond simply the reg number and mileage. We’ve tried to match this to the most common seller scenario, but it’s worth keeping in mind the comparison isn’t exactly like-for-like.